Is It Animal Rescue Or Is It USING Animals and People As “Profit-Pawns”?

Profit Pawns4

The blog at the link above illustrates how some of the large organizations continue to use animals (generating emotions in people purposefully  using animals in greater NUMBERS allegedly needing “help”) as pawns to clean up their image and their reputation that is under fire from multiple directions.

It is also their way of keeping their people ‘on-board’ (numbers of people equal power when organizations engage in attacks) and generating donation money so their monstrously huge organization continues to roll along.
It is also how they continue to pay their “top people” in the org their absurdly high salaries, while having silly followers that think they’re “helping animals” do the real dirty work.

Taking their lead from the larger, well-to-do animal welfare, animal rights, and animal rescue organizations, small to medium size “animal rescues” have sprung up literally out-of-nowhere.
Most of them put “their names on the map” by doing ‘rescue raids’ and ‘seizure scams’ that they know the animal lovers, that also love drama, will get behind and turn the terrorizing of often innocent animal owners into a huge mob-scene.

This is happening all over the country with these “nickel-n-dimer” animal dealers turning into the “great warriors protecting animals” (in their own minds anyway) when they simply are “into animal rescue” to make money.

Its hard to blame these dishonest people for running this scam when so many animal lovers are just plain gullible and it is as easy as “shooting fish in a barrel” to gain their support, and also their $$$$$.

And lest anyone forget, there are always people on the Internet that are mean, hateful, negative people looking for opportunities to viciously attack people they *may* know, but as it so often turns out, they don’t know those they are attacking at all. Whatever the skewed reasons they give, the bottom line is that they attack, belittle, harass, stalk, and threaten other people because they are ‘small’, miserable troll-people usually hiding behind phony names, or anonymous(?) user names, who are messed up individuals with no ethics, morals, or decency toward other people, and sometimes not even for the animals they profess to be ‘helping’.
No matter, they only do this vile crap to satisfy their hatred of themselves deflected toward people they don’t even know so they don’t have to face the grim fact that they were a waste of a sperm and an egg and they contribute nothing regarding “helping” animals and only help animal dealers profit from running scams on innocent people AND on the naïve public.

So the decision to hugely cash-in on the lucrative animal rescue industry was an easy one for con-artists posing as rescuers.

They use the emotional ‘hook’ of “help us SAVE animals that are being abused and neglected”, when they far-to-often are not. It is the perfect ploy to coerce various types of people, using guilt tactics and / or instilling feelings of rage toward supposed “animal abusers and neglectors”, to donate, to ‘Share’, and to become their ‘troops’ that are easy to direct, manipulate, and order around because “its for the animals” – in many ‘staged’, ‘produced and directed’ and made-up scenarios, its not really “for the animals” at all, but it sure sounds nice and rescue-like when its said over, and over, and over again.

The “legions” and numbers of people that think they are ‘helping an animal rescue’ are only there to add clout and ‘importance’, where none should exist, with sheer numbers making a lot of ‘noise’ on social media platforms, calling phone numbers the ‘rescue’ posts, sending emails to posted addresses, etc, to give the animal sales dealerships posing as animal rescues credence and “credibility”.

Nice, albeit naïve people usually don’t realize that they too are being used as “profit pawns” based on how well they perform in large numbers on the Internet.
Their “job” or role they play through manipulation is in ‘sharing’ and ‘trashing’ the victims of Animal Enterprise Terrorism (AET) attacks. Of course, there’s no profit in it for ‘the troops’ other than they ‘believe’ and are TOLD by the hustlers, that they are ‘helping’ “rescue” animals, just as all of the profit and kudo’s go to the animal dealers.

Good work if someone lacks moral fortitude, ethics and honesty and is willing and able to do it. This lack of ethics and honesty, and also the lack of real love for all animals, illustrate why the primary people with “the rescue” group or organization are the perfect people for this scam; they have learned, sometimes dating back years traced to their parents that were also hustlers, how to play “chess” using animals as pawns for their own profit and gain as illustrated at the links below:


This theft of animals, or unwillingness to return animals to their frantic owners that have been looking for them, is happening in epidemic proportions all across the US, whether done the way peta does it, the way the hsus does it, or when “retail rescues” perpetrate “rescue raids” and “seizure scams” upon animal owners that are completely innocent of any abuse, cruelty, or neglect when all is said and done.

Then there are also the ‘rescues’ that attain animals in various ways, using donation money given to them by trusting people, such as “pulling” dogs and cats from high kill shelters, and buying horses at sales as two examples.

But when the real owner that has been looking for their animal, putting up flyer’s, posting “lost” ad’s, and several other means of trying to FIND their missing animal instead locates them at a rescue, many of the “rescues” refuse to give the animal back to the real owner even when the owner is offering to pay whatever fees were incurred when they bought or “pulled” the animal.

Owners also are so relieved to find their lost, missing, or perhaps stolen animal ‘safe with a rescue’ that they offer to pay whatever expenses there may be, including an adoption fee for God’s sake!

Lives ruined and destroyed, seized/stolen, lost animals “sorted for value” (or lack thereof), with many “rescued” animals euthanized humanely and otherwise killed “however” with no vet reports, euthanasia reports, vet bills, body disposal bills, NOTHING to indicate WHY an animal was killed.

Then there’s the “disappearing” of animals that animal dealers and traders posing as “rescues” and “rescuers” do just so they don’t have “money pit” animals hanging around using-up the free donation money they rely on to operate their retail animal dealer business, and to pay for unrelated-to-rescue personal items, personal activities, living expenses, etc.

The surest way to expose these retail rescues is to ask questions and follow through with getting answers, not allowing for deflection and distraction techniques, ‘slight of hand’, their typical ‘smoke and mirrors’ and evasiveness that are all designed to throw people off their trail, and also “out-last” people regarding getting giving answers to questions and people will give up and go away.

With millions upon millions of people on the Internet, these dealers aren’t worried about losing ‘troops’ and minions because in the “revolving-door-of-followers” in FOR-PROFIT animal rescue, lose one person because the pretend-rescue won’t answer questions, and five more take their place until they too figure out the ‘retail rescue racket’ that’s being run……and so it goes kicking the can down the road with animals and people being used as pawns so that criminals can profit.

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